HP Velotechnik Stand Up Feet for Delta Trike
Stand your HP Velotechnik Delta TX trike up on its end! Ideal for freeing up floor space in the garage or entryway.
Yes, space can be precious, especially in urban areas or at home when you want to park your bike. That's why the Vertical Parking Stand was developed. Two small 3D-printed blocks are bolted to the Luggage Rack, plus two short aluminum pins get mount on the back of the seat. All parts are designed in such a way that luggage storage is not restricted. To stand the trike up, you only need to briefly push on the Luggage Rack with your foot and pull gently on the handlebars. This is even easier with the two small (optional) wheels under the luggage rack.
Note: Your Delta TX trike must have the rear Luggage Rack or Platform Carrier installed. Basket must be lifted off in order to stand the Delta TX up vertically.