T-Cycle Handlebar Accessory Elbow Mount 1.75
Ever wanted to attach a computer, GPS, mirror, or phone right near your hands? Ever wanted to attach something to your recumbent trike handlebars but there just wasn't a good way to do it? Consider it solved!
View the installation video on YouTube.
This nifty little two part mount consists of a clever little low profile clamp that attaches to your handlebars and an accessory mounting tube that attaches to the clamp. The clamp can go almost anywhere- all it needs is 1/2 inch (12mm) of straight handlebar and you can fit it in. The accessory mounting tube we stock is a 90 degree L that measures 1.75 inches (45mm) along the inside of the legs. It is 7/8 (22.2mm) diameter and hollow, so standard handlebar accessories can fit on the outside, and things like mirrors can fit on the inside.